"I am not being hyperbolic when I say that working with Jessica saved my life.

Jessica helped me set my feet on a path that incorporates self-acceptance, self-love, and self-nourishment on a multiplicity of levels, to re-define healthy. My progress has been incredible, but I don’t feel fixed. Instead, I realize I never needed fixing, I just needed to see that I was on a path and I desperately needed someone to guide me. Jessica was that person, and our work together has been nothing short of miraculous.

Together we incorporate nourishment of my body with nourishment of my mind and spirit. Jessica has taught me invaluably about physical nutrition, but more importantly, she opened my eyes to the ever-expanding joy that is my reason for being here. When I follow that joy, my body issues, my food obsession, my depression all fall into place. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

In her, I did find an expert on physical nutrition. I also found an expert on holistic nutrition; a rock of support, friendship, love, advice. I joke with Jessica that I hear her voice in my head when I’m making any one of a range of choices, whether it be what to eat or whether to work or whether I’m allowed to rest and countless other little choices, all the choices that make up a life. Most miraculously I believe more and more every day that to embrace everything that comes with each day – no matter how I feel about my body, my work, my relationships, god, or myself – is infinitely more important than each of the elements that make up the day.”

- Erin, International Human Rights Lawyer