Show me the love

Where does your love exist? 

One heart I came across last week.

Baby it's cold outside! There's a reason why I'm such a warm beverage junkie, with portable mug on hand, pretty much at all times. It's all about comfort. I also enjoy opening those tea bags with the quotes on the end of the string (who doesn't love opening a healthy fortune cookie?). My tea pouch this morning said: "Let your heart speak to other hearts". Why yes, that's totally my "thing!"

As some of you may know I have a way of discovering hearts along my path (story about that coming soon).  I'm currently working on turning my fun finds into some sort of a creative project, and I would like to ask for you to be a part of it. To me, these hearts found in random places symbolize an awareness about the many places love exists. One of these places is SELF LOVE (that's where YOU come in). Through all the years I have worked in health and wellness, I have experienced and witnessed such an interesting spectrum of where people really struggle and also find their way into truly loving themselves. 

Please email me with:
Your thoughts, ideas, stories, reflections and inspirations of where and how self care (and therefore self love) show up. What are your acts of true self love? Let's think beyond pedicures, I'm talking about ways you have truly discovered to love and care for yourself, which ultimately means you are more well equipped to care, and be present for others around you and so much more. 

For example, yesterday, after a massive day of clients, meetings and mastermind calls, and fully showing up and being engaged with all of them, eating a late dinner, and of course that "to do" pile, I was sure I'd be able to sit down and write something. Yeah right! I had no creative juice left though there was a part of me that thought I "should" be able to just "push through." I caught myself thinking that and realized that the best thing I could do for myself and in turn everyone else, was to NOT try and write anything more, but to watch a 5 minute funny video someone sent me and get in bed! Wow what a concept. It meant being up earlier to write (when I think more clearly anyway), prep, listen to some music I love, and put my heart into it. 

So, where does self love fit in for you? How do you show up and care for yourself? Catching your negative self thoughts? Setting better boundaries? Time management? Cooking more meals at home because you know it makes you feel good? Signing up for a class you've always wanted to but were too scared to try? There are so many ways...And I want to hear yours. Next month I would be honored to feature some of that inspiration you share. 

Since choosing delicious foods is something to do to care for yourself better and something I help people with, I will of course leave you with a good one (always a tough choice for me since I have so many!). Check out my healthy alternative to French Fries below. 

I can't wait to hear from you! 



Crave French Fries? 

Many of my clients tell me they crave sweets and warming carbs even more this time of year (it's no wonder we crave this with all the dark and cold we're immersed in). One frequent request is for "French Fry" alternatives, and I have a great one for you. 

This recipe is simple, it hits the spot, and it's power packed with goodness! Using a fat soluble olive oil, coconut oil or Ghee (clarified butter from grass fed cows and lactose free, used for centuries in Ayurvedic cooking) ALONG with your veggies helps you BETTER ABSORB the nutrients! True! And while some foods are more nutritious raw, these actually explode with goodness when cooked. Enjoy with your Super Bowl party! (GO BRONCOS! Sorry, had to say that)

3 medium carrots
3 medium parsnip
2 sweet potatoes
3 tablespoons (or more) melted coconut oil, olive oil or ghee
a generous few pinches of unrefined sea salt (I prefer pink Himalayan)
2 teaspoons paprika
fresh ground black pepper
(I also like to add cinnamon and a pinch of cayenne but that's up to you)

Preheat oven to 400. Slice the parsnips and carrots into thin French Fry strips (not too thin or they may burn).
Place slices in a single layer on a baking sheet, making sure they're not overlapping too much. Drizzle a generous amount of oil over them and toss with your hands a few times until they are well coated. Sprinkle with sea salt, paprika, fresh black pepper, etc.
Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Check and stir or turn a bit to prevent sticking. Bake another 5 to 10 minutes or until tender and dark golden.