Heart Math

It’s back to school time! I often feel like I am “back to school” because I am frequently investing in various kinds of trainings to further my learning (and so I can better serve my peeps, more on that later). And recently I actually was at school (in person) leading a very large group of early childhood education leaders. I was workshopping with them practices to implement real-deal self-care both while on the job and when off-duty. These are people who also give and do so much in service of others. Like them I can relate to what it’s like when we don’t take care of ourselves, in what can and does happen. Depletion on all levels. Can you relate? What happens to you when you give and give and don’t allow any time/space to take care of yourself? For me at the extreme-- this has meant a severe health crisis!! And even when not at the extreme, it has meant a lack of energy and motivation or engaging in unhealthy behaviors in an attempt to feel better, quickly boost my energy or mood but then later crash or something similar.

That version doesn’t happen to me quite so much anymore but it used to and I have to be really mindful of this now. Again, more on this another time-- but for now-- one thing I shared with this group recently which they REALLY loved was about something I have been using personally and in my work for a very long time: it’s called Heart Math.

I discovered Heart Math around 18ish years ago during my involvement with a group of wellness entrepreneurs. We would begin all of our meetings with heart coherence practices/techniques and since then it has only deepened and expanded for me-- both personally and professionally. AND there have been times over these years when, before it was a more ingrained embodiment practice, I would forget to access the practices during some of my darkest times. This is slowly changing. I have made a huge commitment in my client and group centered work to integrate this important heart-focused awareness, as it also helps train the nervous system. Nervous system regulation is at the root of so much of what most of us need while living in a human body riding this wild thing called life.

What is it?

Heart Math is a unique system of rigorous scientifically researched, validated techniques, leading-edge products and programs and advanced technologies for people interested in personal development and improved emotional, mental and physical health. Heart Math is internationally recognized for practical solutions that can transform the stress of change and uncertainty and build people’s heart coherence and energy reserves.

Heart intelligence is the flow of intuitive awareness, understanding and inner guidance we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. It can be activated through self-initiated practice. The more coherent we are and the more we pay attention to this deeper intuitive inner guidance, the greater our ability to access this intelligence more frequently. Heart intelligence underlies cellular organization and guides and evolves organisms toward increased order, awareness and coherence of their bodies’ systems.

The Heart Math Institute researches and develops reliable, scientifically based tools that bridge the connection between heart and mind and deepen people’s connection with the hearts of others. This empowers people to greatly reduce stress, increase resilience and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making better choices.

Heart Math Institute’s simple, user-friendly mental and emotional self-regulation tools and techniques provide benefits in the moment and over sustained periods. They enable people everywhere to break through to greater levels of personal balance, creativity, intuitive insight and fulfillment. Their research has formed the foundation for training and education programs worldwide among diverse cultures. They’ve worked with major corporations, government and social-service agencies, all branches of the military, schools and universities, hospitals and a wide range of health-care professionals and law enforcement agencies.

If you are curious to learn more about heart math or any of my offerings which incorporate heart centered practices and much much more please reply to this email, book a Discovery Call direct with me here! I have some room in my practice now and am excited to hear what is going on with you and share what’s possible.