Longevity Insights: The Blue Zones

In keeping with the “longevity theme” from recent discussions and things I have shared, I am reminded of a workshop I led several years ago on this topic. The workshop corresponded with two long trips to Japan I was fortunate to be on where I was quite determined to experience time on an island that is part of Okinawa. I had wanted to travel to Okinawa for a very long time after learning about The Blue Zones. 

I have studied and spent time in most of the Blue Zone areas as I am interested in people who have not only lived long but have done so in good quality health. I wanted to understand the commonalities of the Blue Zone communities, of which there have been substantial studies done. The Blue Zone areas are: Loma Linda, California; Okinawa Japan; Nakoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Sardinia, Italy. I would like to spend more time in ALL of these places! I am sharing here the throughlines in these communities. Although the food part is quite different in each of these places, they all share some food style similarities: 

1) They incorporate natural movement throughout the day. They are active in their lives with a diverse range of movements (they don’t belong to gyms but rather move in their lives daily). 

2) They all have a sense of purpose/deeper meaning that infuses joy into their lives. 

3) They don’t work 60-80 hours a week, nor do they eat in cars, or in front of computers, and go, go, go till they collapse and do it all over again. They take time to socialize/play/pray/nap/relax— They stay in a more parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system state versus a sympathetic dominant nervous system state of fight or flight (adrenaline zone). 

4)They stop eating before feeling stuffed. It’s a kind of “80/20 rule” which means--eat till 80 percent full. The main meal is midday and ends early eve or late afternoon. 

5) They eat mostly plants (with animal protein being the side dish, not the main event— we have it backward usually). The journalist Michael Pollan says: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” (I’ve enjoyed all of his books!)

6) They take joy in small indulgences. I like calling them “rituals of pleasure.” For example: a small glass of wine at 5 pm (versus drinking glass after glass late into the night, many nights in a row). Rituals of pleasure mean we treat it as something special, not abusing it. Perhaps that could mean high-quality dark cacao or something else you enjoy and savoring it with total pleasure! 

7) They build Community (or as I say: Community Builds Immunity). They all have a consistent group of friends that support a healthy lifestyle.

8) They “keep the Faith”: Faith-based community, non-denominational/not religion based. They thrive and feel safe in groups. The idea is that one loves more freely, is compassionate, and gives. The Blue Zone area in Loma Linda are Seventh Day Adventists actually, but not the other Blue Zone communities-- they cover a spectrum of spiritually-based communities.

9) Family: (Given or Chosen) Most centenarians live with extended families. Less old homes. The elderly are revered for their wisdom and are looked up to in society.


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