Immune-boosting Green Tea Latte


  • ½ tsp matcha green tea powder (most health food stores carry it)

  • Pinch cinnamon (to your liking)

  • 2 TBS Boiled water

  • 1 cup Almond, Rice or Hemp milk (I often use Coconut Milk or my homemade almond milk). Note: Don't use dairy milk as it actually blocks the absorption of the beneficial parts of the green tea!

  • 1 or 1/2 tablespoon pure coconut oil (optional but I always add it, so many good reasons why we need it.)

  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract

  • ½ tsp raw honey or stevia to taste (optional)



  1. Whisk together the matcha powder and cinnamon with the water until fully dissolved.

  2. Meanwhile warm the "AMOC" (Alternative Milk Of Choice) in a saucepan until hot, but not boiling. Pour in the green liquid and the vanilla extract. Next using a handheld immersion blender OR place all in a blender (or shake vigorously if using a hand held bottle), blend the tea & milk till fully incorporated, since the milk is warm it should just naturally froth up. Taste, and add preferred sweetener if too bitter (this will depend on the type and grade of matcha you have)

  3. Pour into a mug and enjoy.