Spring is in The Air

Woosh! Happy Spring (chirp)...yes almost summer. I'm back! Not that you knew I was gone but I was, both physically and online. I certainly appreciate my writing and tech breaks.

It has been a full couple of months and I happily returned home feeling differently in my normal environment. By different I mean, I walked through the door literally feeling like a lot shifted and released for me in these weeks both from leading my Baja retreat with wonderful people and then getting some of my own time off shortly afterwards in a place that is very nurturing for me. Taking that time allows me to show up even more fully with all of my clients and for myself, It's essential.

Over the past few years, while deeply fulfilling in many ways also had some very tough times where in which I flooded my body with stress hormones repeatedly. Old unhealthy habits crept in as coping mechanisms, sometimes subtly and other times more so. It was a difficult pattern I was in and I began holding on to inflammation that showed up as pain and puffiness in my body. Usually I do things on a regular basis to recharge and manage stress but getting away for a chunk of time really helped me move through much more this time. I loved witnessing this happen for my retreat people and also spending my birthday (end of March) doing something I really love while enjoying the fruits of my labor. 

After the retreat I began working with a small group of people who are continuing to build on the things we practiced on the retreat and more, This is much more than healthy nutrition, (though that is a piece), this is about the many layers of what "self care" actually encompasses. We address things like mindset, limiting beliefs, rewiring thought patterns that aren't serving (you) anymore, utilizing creative energy, gut health and intuition, finding your authentic voice, getting real rest and feeling empowered and aligned in everything you take on. We also look at proper supplementation, using essential oils in ways that actually work and other touch-worthy self care practices. Breaking through our "junk" is inspiring, some of it is easy, some really not, but it works! It's a pleasure and an honor supporting others through these experiences, transitions and transformational times. 

Here are a couple of testimonials from the retreat: 

"I arrived a hot hot mess. I went on the retreat with Jessica to reset my life. Take stock, feel my feelings, quit sugar and dairy, and set intentions for my health as I enter my 40s. I did these things. Two weeks later I'm still thunderstruck by Jessica's intuition and intelligence about my self care. And I'm truly on the road to far better health. Thank you." 

"It's amazing to me that five days could completely change the way I think about my eating habits. Somewhere in those five days, there was a big shift. My stomach growls less, I have fewer crashes, I'm emotionally more on an even keel. Everything feels different. Food, finances, relationships - I can't even say "WHY" things have shifted necessarily, but they truly have. I am so incredibly grateful for this experience Jessica. The best thing I have ever done for myself!! Best investment, most impactful experience, most life-changing thing I've ever done" 
Are you ready to come to the next one or something else? Let's connect!