The Top Ten Essentials of Self-Awareness

The Top Ten Essentials of Self-Awareness

Someone said to me at the very beginning of August: SUMMER IS OVER!!. I immediately replied-"NO IT'S NOT!!" (As though I had to defend August's validity). Funny how people panic at that "almost-back-to-school time" even though the weather is still beautiful and warm! Yes the light is shifting, but we still have time to savor the lingering parts of the season if we don't dash ahead too much.

The New York Disaster-A Reminder to Live Fully Right Now

The New York Disaster-A Reminder to Live Fully Right Now

These past two weeks have been quite an upheaval here in New York due to some powerful forces of nature. It was as though we were all inside a giant snow globe, shaken up, and in some way or another everyone seems to have been affected. My heart truly goes out to all those harshly impacted by the storm, which unfortunately, is a lot of people. It has been humbling witnessing the out-pour of generosity and care.

Do you have an anchor?

I have had some GREAT life anchors who have been there for me through some life altering tough times with my own health as well as the celebrations. Support and care from wonderful people, seeing my clients (I love you all!), getting bodywork, and cooking for the first time in my new kitchen have all helped so much recently! What are your life anchors?

What do you value?

Sometimes we need to reeVALUate as things take on new meaning and new importance in our lives as we evolve and time marches on. Taking a big leap, whether that be a new home, a job, a marriage, taking charge of your health by hiring someone to help....whatever that is for you, often forces us not only to reassess but to up-level in every area of our lives.